Sileby History
Its people and places. A community through time.
The Free Trade Inn
Cossington Road
The Free Trade Inn : Undated, Early 20th century
The Free Trade Inn : View in 2013
Introduction and Early History
The Free Trade Inn is one of Sileby's most iconic buildings. Its wooden beams and thatched roof evoke a traditional charm, reminding its viewers of old coaching inns and rosy cheeked yokels supping ale and gossiping around an open fire. It is that image with which a building of this age exudes, and exhibits history at every turn.
However, the image is not totally borne out by the facts! In the grand scheme of things, the Free Trade Inn isn't even the longest established pub still trading in Sileby. That accolade must go the Horse and Trumpet. It was never a coaching inn either. Nonetheless, the pub is one of the oldest standing buildings in Sileby. And, for all the other inventions of pub 'olde world' charm, all fake and contrived, this building at least is genuine through and through.
The building that makes up The Free Trade Inn is an former peasant house/farm that has been converted for the purpose of an inn. Depending on which expert that you read, this timber framed building has been dated anywhere from the medieval period (Webster, Pevsner 2003) to the late 16th or early 17th century (Listed Building Register). It is a Grade II listed building. Whatever the exact construction dates are, the historical picture is more straight forward. The deeds survive and date back to 1699. They form a number of marriage settlements showing the continuation of property ownership through the King family of Sileby. The Kings are recorded in the 16th century as occupying a large landed estate in the village and held the important position of manorial bailiff in the early 17th century. Their prospects continued to rise and by the mid 18th century Thomas King had made his fortune as a mercer in London. The beginning of the 19th century saw their Sileby possessions as just one part of their extensive family estates; the main family branch had not lived in the village for some time.
In 1809 the Cossington Road building and its sizeable plot came up for sale and was purchased by William Palmer of Loughborough for £327. Although Thomas Ferryman was recorded as Palmer's tenant from 1818 according to land tax returns, it wasn't until the Beerhouse Act of 1830 that Ferryman was to start his beer retailing business. By the time Thomas had established his business part of the former plot had already been divided and sold off. The northerly part accommodated Palmer's beerhouse property and close. The southern part had been sold off to the trustees of Sileby's Baptist congregation in 1827.
Ferryman was documented as the publican in the 1841 census, and he was living there with his elderly mother Ann at that time. He later married Mary Dakin of Sileby in 1842 and together the couple ran the business until Thomas's death in 1864. Thomas had managed the business impeccably. His reputation held sway when in 1850 he was admonished by the local magistrates after being caught opening after hours, but the fine was reduced due to his previous twenty years of good conduct and behaviour.
What's in a Name!
The Free Trade Inn name appears in records after 1846. This is significant as it was the period when the issue of Free Trade was of paramount importance for British industry and exports. In essence, up until the 1820s Britain had laws and tariffs to aid and protect domestic agricultural and industrial production and prices, but this inhibited foreign trade. After 1820, Britain's primacy, industriousness and its empire enabled it to take a unilateral decision to get rid of these protections. This allowed it to tap into foreign markets in a more effective way and widened British influence in the process. Under the stewardship of Prime minister Sir Robert Peel, by 1850 all major restrictions had been eliminated including the controversial Corn Laws in 1846. The policy would endure up until the First World War.
Locally, the issue of Free Trade was popular amongst the radical and liberal elements of society. The Leicestershire Mercury of 11th July 1846 reports of a "Free Trade Dinner" held at the Fountain Inn in Sileby. Here the workmen of 'Mr Palmer' feasted and toasted John Biggs and Sir Robert Peel, the local and national leaders of the Free Trade movement. It is therefore no coincidence that the Free Trade name and association became aligned with Mr William Francis Palmer's beerhouse. In January 1847 the name Free Trade Inn first appears in newspapers. Incidentally, the Free Trade pub sign shown above has absolutely nothing to do with the Free Trade political connection. According to an Everard's brewery advertisement this sign shows rum running and a man avoiding the Revenue men. This a total fabrication made up by Everard's marketing department in 1959! (see bottom of page)
Family Connections
The Palmer's hold on the property ended in 1867 when the beerhouse was sold to William Hand of Sileby, a former policeman, for £425. He had also been the licensee of the Fountain Inn since 1866. William Hand's acquisition started a family association with the Free Trade that was to last for over fifty years. This connection follows the ownership of the pub through William's widow Elizabeth, to her new husband George Tinkler, and then to her daughter Clara Hand. Clara later married Charles Henry Parkinson in 1903, another family with strong associations to pubs in Sileby. Clara Parkinson sold the beerhouse to Everard's brewery in 1923, and they still own the premises to this day, nearly a century later.
After Thomas Ferryman's death in 1864 the beerhouse was kept by his widow Mary. She continued to manage the business until her early eighties and only relinquished the pub in 1881. The licensees for the next 15 years were Job Smart, Thomas Holmes, Thomas Chamberlain and John Thomas Dakin. In 1896 William Henry Topley Willars, a former shoehand and his wife Mary entered the pub as licensees. The Willars' formed a 66 year attachment to the pub, with William Henry the elder followed by his son, William Henry "Billy" Willars in 1931. Billy became a Sileby stalwart serving on the Parish Council and as an officer of the parish church. He retired in 1962 along with his sister Elsie Taylor who had assisted him for a number of years.
Card produced to commemorate Billy Willar's 50 year Billy Willars in 1959
association with the Free Trade, 25th September 1946
The Spiritual Goal
As a beerhouse the lack of a wine and spirits licence for the Free Trade Inn seems to have been a setback to the business. A number of owners and licensees went to the local magistrates to establish a case to have one granted to them. It was always to no avail due to the large number of licences in the vicinity, but it did not stop the applications going in. William Hand had an application quashed in 1874. In 1936, Billy Willars appeared before Loughborough's magistrates and argued that he needed a wine licence to satisfy the new habit of women wanting to drink wine instead of beer. Again, the magistrates refused the application. It wasn't until the 10th March 1953, nearly 123 years after opening, that the Free Trade Inn finally got its full wine and spirits licence!
Description - 7th September 1914
(Valuation Act : National Archives IR 58/51167/354)
Brick and Half Timber. Thatched Roof. Worthless (as) any other business.
a) Basement – Beer Cellar
b) Ground Floor – Tap small, Tap large, Kitchen, Scullery, Serving Place, 4 pulls
c) 1st Floor – 3 Bedrooms
Beer Trade
2 Barrells per week.
Bottled Trade 10 Dozen Pints per week.
Rent £25 yearly
Timber & Corrugated Steel Rough shed (Belonging to the tenant)
2 Timber & Corrugated Steel Fowl Houses (Belonging to the tenant)
Old Cowhouse, Stable with 2 stalls, Coalhouse and Wash house - all with a Clubroom over. Brick and Slate, old and fair (condition)
2 Privies, Brick & Slate, fair (condition).
Owners, Licensees and Publicans
William Palmer, Loughborough
Ann Palmer, widow
William Francis Palmer
Elizabeth Palmer, widow
William Hand
Elizabeth Hand, widow
George Tinkler
Elizabeth Tinkler, widow
Clara Hand/Parkinson after 1903
Everards Brewery, Leicester
1809 - 1832
1832 - 1843
1843 - 1863
1863 - 1867
1867 - 1877
1877 - 1878
1878 - 1893
1893 - 1901
1901 - 1923
1923 to date
Thomas Ferryman
Mary Ferryman, widow
Job Smart
Thomas Holmes
Thomas Chamberlain
John Thomas Dakin
William Henry Topley Willars
William Henry Willars
c1830 - 1864
1864 - 1881
1881 - 1882
1882 - 1889
1889 - 1890
1890 - 1896
1896 - 1931
1931 - 1962
Notes on the listings
The dates are accurate to within a year of that given due to licencing records often starting part way through a year. Also, when electoral electoral rolls and trade directories are used the names quite often reflect the previous years occupiers. Due to privacy and data protection a decision was made to have a listing cut off date of about 1960.
Free Trade Inn - June 2013
Free Trade Inn - February 2007
Free Trade Inn - August 1976
Source : John Whittington
Free Trade Inn - Undated
William H Willars name
above the door so 1962 or before
Free Trade Inn -
Undated frozen scene
Source : John Whittington
Everards Ephemera
Everards Advertising Postcard c1960
Free Trade Inn and other Leicestershire Everards Pubs
Newspaper Advertisement (unknown media) - Free Trade Inn, 1959
Everards marketing campaign
Source : John Whittington